Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's Eve!

Sorry for the lack of activity on the front page lately.  I can only promise you that a lot has actually been going on behind the scenes.  I periodically edit the Coming Soon post with status updates when projects are moving, so it's not all quiet here!

Over on the DMG production side, I hope everyone knows that has recently gotten an enormous overhaul.  It's now easier than ever to find titles published under the DMG banner, or any of Digital Manga, Inc.'s other imprints.  You have the option of reading manga online, or downloading in any format for any ereader you might have.  By the by, you have from now until this Friday, January 4, 2013, to use the coupon code DMYC655 in order to receive 10% off your entire eManga order (one use per user).  If you're at a loss as what to use it on, might I humbly suggest one of our own titles which are Available Now? ;)

As a reminder to anybody with a Goodreads account, I'm the one who's been obsessively compiling shelves of all the fan-localized DMG titles in two lists:  One for BL titles, and one for general audience titles.  A Goodreads account is quite handy when you want to keep track of things you've read, things you want to read, things you've left reviews for, etc. 

So, let's talk about New Year's resolutions. I've had a project percolating in the back of my mind for a while now, but I'd been waiting on the new eManga launch to see whether or not it'd be necessary.  And it seems it is.  I want to put together an index of DMG groups and their homepages.  It'll live over in the right sidebar there, and it'll probably be no more than a simple alphabetical list of groups with a link to their main page/blog, and maybe a banner if they want to include one.  So heads up to any group leaders who may be reading this - I'll probably be in touch soon to see if you want to be listed. :)

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